Mix Mode
QuadraSynth Reference Manual 45
Program Assign for each MIDI Channel
The first function of Mix Edit is Program Assign.
Program Number (000 to 127)
This determines the Program Number (000Ñ127) for the selected MIDI channel.
Program Type (Preset or User)
This determines whether the selected Program is from the Preset bank or User bank.
Enable (On or Off)
This determines whether the selected channel is enabled or disabled. When disabled,
no sound will be heard. The Channel number in the display for a disabled channel
will not appear except when selected for editing.
Even if a channel is enabled here, it will not play unless the proper settings in the RANGE
function (MIDI IN and/or KEYBOARD On/Off and LOW/HIGH) are made.
Level Setting for Each Program
The second function of Mix Edit is .
Level (00 to 99)
This parameter sets the overall volume for a sound. Higher numbers give higher
Pan (<3 to >3, or PG )
This determines the position of the selected channel. When set to PG, the panning
setting will be that of the Program assigned to the selected channel. However, you
can override this setting by selecting a different value, thereby assigning the
channelÕs panning between the left and right outputs of either the MAIN or AUX
outputs (depending on the Output assignment--see below).
Output (MAIN, AUX, OFF, or PROG)
This determines the audio assignment for the selected channel. When set to PROG,
the channel will use the Output assignment of the Program. However, you can
override this assignment by setting this parameter to something different. Selecting
MAIN or AUX will assign the channel to the MAIN or AUX audio outputs. When set
to OFF, the channel will not be sent to either set of outputs (but can still feed an effect
The function lets you transpose a channelÕs Program in either semitone or octave
increments. By using both parameters together, you have a total transposition range
of ±3 octaves.