Specifying which items you want opened
at startup
To have a program or a document open automatically when
you start up your computer, drag its icon or its alias to the Startup
Items folder, which is inside the System Folder. Programs or
documents that you put in the Startup Items folder are opened
when you start up your computer. You can open as many files as
your computer’s memory allows.
If you no longer want a file to open automatically when you start
up your computer, remove the icon or alias from the Startup
Items folder.
Installing an item in the Apple menu
To have an item’s name appear in the Apple (K) menu, drag its
icon or its alias to the Apple Menu Items folder, which is inside
the System Folder.
You remove an item from the Apple menu by opening the Apple
Menu Items folder and dragging the item out of the folder.
Installing files in the System Folder
Certain files need to be installed in the System Folder so your
computer can use them as part of the system software. These files
n system extensions and control panels
n preferences for application programs
n software that controls printers, scanners, and other
n sounds
n fonts
Usually, you install these files by dragging their icons to the
System Folder icon (not the System Folder window). Sometimes
these files need to be installed by a program that comes with the
files. Check the instructions that came with the files for any
specific installation procedure.
146 Chapter 10: Adapting Your Computer to Your Own Use