For more information about
Macintosh computers
Macintosh user groups
Whatever your level of computer experience, you may be
interested in joining a Macintosh user group. Group activities may
include new product demonstrations, question-and-answer
sessions, and classes on using programs or writing your own
Ask your Apple-authorized dealer for the name of the Macintosh
user group nearest you, or call 800-538-9696. For names of user
groups outside the United States, or if you’re interested in starting
your own group, contact:
Berkeley Macintosh User’s Group
1442-A Walnut Street, #62
Berkeley, CA 94709
510-549-BMUG (510-549-2684)
Boston Computer Society
One Center Plaza
Boston, MA 02108
Technical information
Apple makes technical information for Macintosh computers
available through the Apple Technical Library and the Apple
Communications Library, both published by Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company and available at bookstores.
Apple Technical Library
The Apple Technical Library includes comprehensive technical
documentation for all Macintosh computer models as well as
the multivolume guide to the Macintosh operating system,
Inside Macintosh.
Apple Communications Library
The Apple Communications Library offers complete technical
information about Macintosh communications products and the
Macintosh in a network environment.
APDA (Apple Programmers and Developers Association) offers
access to a broad range of programming products, resources, and
information for anyone developing hardware or software for
Apple computers. These resources include the most current
versions of Apple and third-party development tools, debuggers,
compilers, languages, and technical references.
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