hard disk connected to 249
LocalTalk and 238, 242
locking 271
modems 238, 239, 242, 250
connecting an external
monitor 239–240, 248
disconnecting 250
making an external monitor the main
monitor 245–246, 248
supported by the MiniDock 238
troubleshooting 288
video mirroring 248
ADB 241
floppy disk drive 241
illustration 238
modem 242, 266–267
printer 242
SCSI 256, 263
sound output 268
video 240
power adapter and 239–240, 248
preferences in effect 247, 249
removing the computer 250
SCSI disk mode 17, 260, 263
security slot 271
setting up 239–242
sleep 243, 244, 248, 250
starting up from external hard disk 249
terminators for SCSI chains 258
troubleshooting 246–247, 250, 288
turning on the connected
computer 245, 288
using input devices with 247
virtual memory 249
Duplicate (File menu) 62, 276
Easy Access control panel 156
Easy Install dialog box 75, 76
Easy View (PowerBook control panel) 67,
100, 101
editing documents 54–57, 58–60
Edit menu
Clear 82
Copy 82, 159
Cut 56
Paste 56, 82, 160
Eject Disk (Special menu) 112
ejecting the PowerBook Duo from the Duo
Dock 226–228
electrical equipment, safety instructions
for 18
Empty Trash (Special menu) 64
turning off the warning message 160
Enter key 280
Erase Disk (Special menu) 84, 108
floppy disk 108
RAM disk 84
Ethernet network 224. See also networks
exchanging disks and files with MS-DOS or
ProDOS format 301–305
expansion adapters 255
external floppy disk drive. See floppy
disk drives
external hard disk drive. See hard disks
external modem. See modems
external monitor. See monitors
eye fatigue from computer use 22
Index 319