3. Move the I-beam pointer to the immediate left of the
word “people” (after “All”).
4. Drag horizontally, selecting the word “people”, and
then release the trackball button.
To drag, hold the trackball button down while you roll the
trackball. The selected word is highlighted (surrounded by
If you select more or less than you intended to, go back to
step 3 and try again.
5. With “people” selected, type the words “human beings”.
The words you type replace the word you selected. (Press the
Delete key to backspace over any typing errors.)
6. Move the I-beam pointer between the word “equal” and
the period (to the immediate left of the period).
7. Click the trackball button once.
Clicking moves the insertion point to the spot where you
positioned the I-beam. Whatever you type next is inserted
at that point.
8. Press the space bar once, and then type the words “in
dignity and rights”.
continues .
Chapter 3: Creating and Changing a Document 55