Invoking the BMCDB2 CLIST
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 4 Performing Post-Installation Tasks 4-19
Invoking the BMCDB2 CLIST
Summary: This section describes the steps that you must complete to invoke the CLIST.
Step 1 Invoke the BMCDB2 CLIST by using one of the following:
• If you specify your high-level qualifier with JCL as the low-level node,
invoke BMCDB2 directly from your output JCL data set in the ISPF
command shell with the following command:
ex '
• If the BMCDB2 CLIST is copied to a CLIST library that is normally
allocated to your TSO session, invoke BMCDB2 implicitly with
Step 2 If the BMCDB2 CLIST supports multiple SSIDs, in the BMCDB2PR panel
? in the DB2 SSID field. On the BMCDB2P2 panel, type S to select an
SSID from the list of available SSIDs. The SSID you selected appears in the
DB2 SSID field of the BMCDB2PR panel.
Step 3 If you edited your BMCDB2 CLIST to use a generated permanent ISPF table
for the control table or if you modified the control table that was previously
generated, type
GENERATE on the command line.