Installation Considerations
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 7 Installing CHANGE MANAGER 7-7
Catalog to Catalog Requirements
The following list describes the requirements for performing a catalog to
catalog comparison:
• The subsystems whose catalogs are used as input sources must have DB2
Version 3.1 or later installed.
• Remote locations must be defined in the SYSIBM.LOCATIONS table of
the local DB2 subsystem and be connected using the distributed data
facility (DDF) of DB2. Refer to IBM DATABASE 2 Universal Database
for OS/390 Administration Guide for instructions on how to define a
location name with SYSIBM.LOCATIONS.
Note: Names for DDF tables for DB2 Version 5.1 have changed.
• CHANGE MANAGER needs to be installed on the local and remote
DB2 subsystems. CHANGE MANAGER can be installed either
completely or partially on the remote DB2 subsystem.
• CHANGE MANAGER must be at the same version, release, and
maintenance level on both DB2 subsystems.
Implementing the Catalog to Catalog Feature
To implement the catalog to catalog Compare feature for local and remote
comparisons, you must install CHANGE MANAGER compare components
on both the local and the remote subsystems.
Install CHANGE MANAGER on the Local Subsystem with DDF Active
When you install CHANGE MANAGER, the Install System builds
synonyms that access the communications database.
Install CHANGE Manager on the Remote Subsystem
The following list describes the options for installing CHANGE
• If the remote subsystem has the same version of DB2 that is installed on
the local subsystem, install the same version and release of CHANGE
MANAGER on the remote subsystem and select the DDF option.