Installation Considerations
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 8 Installing DASD MANAGER PLUS 8-3
• large table spaces
• new version 4 and version 5 parameters for BMC Software utilities, DB2
utilities, and DB2 commands
This product provides both analytical and statistical reports. The reports
provide comprehensive information about space allocation, reorganization,
image copies, table spaces, indexes, tables, and storage groups. DASD
MANAGER PLUS also provides customizable reports that help you to
monitor trends in space utilization and to maintain Work IDs.
For information about DASD MANAGER PLUS, read the DASD MANAGER
PLUS for DB2 User Guide.
Installation Considerations
When you use the Install System to install the Administrative Products for
DB2, the installation process generates a customized installation data set.
This data set contains customized jobs that are created to install these
products into your specific DB2 environment. One of these jobs is used to
establish the default processing option values. The job name begins with a $
character, followed by a three-character identifier that varies, depending on
which Install System installation path that you used. The last four characters
are always DOPT.
The $xnnDOPT member of the installation data set contains an assembly
language program with an options macro call that establishes the default
processing values. You can tailor the installation of the product, including
changing plan names, by editing the default values in the $xnnDOPT
Installation Defaults
During installation, you can specify names for options modules, synonym
qualifiers, database names, creator names and collection names. The default
values for these names are listed in Table 8-1. In these default values, v
indicates the version, r indicates the release, and m indicates the maintenance
Table 8-1 DASD MANAGER PLUS Installation Default Values (Part 1 of 2)
Installation Default Value
Default Options Module ASUDOPD1
Synonym Qualifier ASU