Controlling Access
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 7 Installing CHANGE MANAGER 7-9
3. On the subsystem that has DB2 Version 5, install the DB2 Version 4
compare components that are required for the catalog-to-catalog
Compare feature.
A. Customize the ACMC2CO, ACMC2CB, and ACMC2CG
members of the HLQ.CNTL data set, using the JCL for DB2
Version 4 for CHANGE MANAGER.
B. In the ACMC2CB member, bind the packages using the DB2
Version 4 level DBRMLIB into a collection ID that matches the
ID used on DB2 Version 4 (ACMvrmC_D_MAIN).
The plan name in the ACMC2CB member must match the plan
name (CMvrmCDC) that was used on the DB2 Version 4
Note: On DB2 Version 5, the collection ID and the plan name
must differ from those used for the exploitation version
4. Execute the catalog to catalog Compare feature from the DB2
Version 4 subsystem to the DB2 Version 5 subsystem so that the
DB2 Version 4 load library, collection ID (packages), and plan are
Note: The Compare1 or Compare2 fields can be set to local or
See the ALTER and CHANGE MANAGER for DB2 User Guide for an
example of the steps that are required to run a catalog to catalog comparison.
Controlling Access
Maintaining security over the components of CHANGE MANAGER is an
important consideration. Executing a worklist usually changes the definitions
of your DB2 objects as they are defined in the DB2 system catalog tables. In
addition, you can also change data when you perform several different kinds
of tasks with CHANGE MANAGER. This section provides the information
that you need to set up proper safeguards for access to the CHANGE
MANAGER components.