Editing groups
Chapter 4 Configuring, managing, and customizing Perceive 151
To create a group
1 Type a name of up to 20 characters in the field to the right of the Create Group
2 Click Create Group. The new group is created and displayed in a table at the bottom
of the page.
To delete a group
1 Select a group in the field to the right of the Delete Group button.
2 Click Delete Group.
To rename a group
1 Select a group in the field to the right of the Rename Group button.
2 Type a new name in the to be field.
3 Click Rename Group.
Editing groups
Using the Edit Groups page in the Groups of Computers task category, you can add
computers to any of the groups created on the Create/Delete page or to the
[Exclusion Group], reserved for computers you do not want to make available to
consumers (see “Working with the Exclusion Group” on page 153). Use one of the
following methods to edit a group:
■ By entering a search criteria using a regular expression.
■ By providing a policy or domain file.
■ By specifying a currently active data source.
After you edit a group, the new computers are displayed in a table in the middle of
the page.
Before you apply the changes to the selected group, you can remove computers from
the search results by clicking the name of the computer in the table.
When you are satisfied with the list, you can add the list to the selected group by
clicking the
Add Computers button.