Perceive consumer user interface
Chapter 2 Using Perceive views 67
Figure 24 The Results Pane
■ The selector pane (top of right side of display), which displays the view parameter
menus and all view selection icons.
Figure 25 The Selector Pane
The scope pane on the
Views tab displays view categories, bolded high-level logical
groupings of the views you see on the results pane.
To show a set of views for a specific view category, first click the view category to
expand it, then click the view to select it. The results pane displays a text-based
description of the view until all view parameters are selected. (This is the state of the
view when you close a view. For more information, refer to “Closing the view” on
page 88.)
When you click a view in the scope pane, the corresponding display for the metrics
associated with that view appears in the results pane.
You must select a computer or group of computers from the selector pane before a chart
appears in the results pane.