Working with the Exclusion Group
Chapter 4 Configuring, managing, and customizing Perceive 153
To generate groups automatically
1 Select the package from which you want to generate groups from the drop-down
2 Choose how many computers you want in the generated group in the drop-down
menu to the right of the
Generate button.
3 Click Generate.
4 To delete all the groups generated automatically, click Remove All.
Working with the Exclusion Group
The Exclusion Group is a default group name, reserved for computers you might
want to prevent from appearing in Views or on the
Build Views tab. For example, if
there is a computer that you know always skews results, you might want to include it
in the Exclusion Group so that it does not impact averaged values.
You cannot create a group called Exclusion Group because that name is reserved for
this use. You cannot delete or rename the Exclusion Group either.
You can edit the Exclusion Group, adding and removing computers from it. Once
added to the group, the computer name, as well as the name Exclusion Group, appear
in italics on all Administration tabs.
To edit the Exclusion Group
1 From the Edit Groups Page, choose Exclusion Group from the Select a Group of
2 Search for computers to add to that group.
A To search for computers by matching regular expressions, type an expression in
Search criteria text box. For example, sun* finds computers such as sunbgs1,
suntan, sunrise, and so forth.
B To search for computers in a policy file (for example, an existing PATROL for
Performance policy or domain file), type the file name in the
File text box, or
C To search an active data source, choose a data source from the Data source
menu. All computers in that data source are added to the Find Results