Closing view categories
Chapter 2 Using Perceive views 75
Views within this category include System Overview, Processor, Memory, Network,
Disk, and Workloads.
For more information on computer views, refer to “Computer views and group
views” on page 68. For an example illustration, refer to “Figure 26A Computer View”
on page 69.
Group views
This category includes group views that BMC Software selected as typical,
best-practice views that would provide you, as consumers, with an overall perception
of the groups of computers in your environment.
Views within this category include CPU Utilization and Total IO Rate.
For more information on group computer views, refer to “Computer views and
group views” on page 68. To view charts in a group view, refer to “Integrating
Perceive into your environment” on page 89.
For an example illustration, refer to “Figure 27A Group View” on page 69.
Sample views
This or any custom categories created by your administrator is available for you only
when the administrator configures it for your application. Administrators can name
the views any way they choose. BMC Software includes a pre-defined view,
which represents a synchronized grouping of computers based on a common set of
Closing view categories
You can close an open view category by clicking the view category to collapse it.
Closing a view category does not change the status of the view in the results pane.
Removing view categories
View categories are removed by authorized administrators and analysts from the
Views tab by unchecking (not deploying) all of the views in the category. You can
also permanently remove a view category by deleting every view in the category in
the Build Views tab. This deletes the category in both the Build Views tab and Views