Cisco ME 3400 Ethernet Access Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 30 Configuring QoS
Configuring QoS
Creating IP Extended ACLs
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to create an IP extended ACL for IP traffic:
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
access-list access-list-number permit
protocol {source source-wildcard
destination destination-wildcard}
[precedence precedence] [tos tos] [dscp
Note If you enter a dscp value, you
cannot enter tos or precedence.
You can enter both a tos and a
precedence value with no dscp.
Create an IP extended ACL, repeating the command as many times as
• For access-list-number, enter the access list number. The range is
100 to 199 and 2000 to 2699.
• Always use the permit keyword for ACLs used as match criteria in
QoS policies. QoS policies do not match ACLs that use the deny
• For protocol, enter the name or number of an IP protocol. Use the
question mark (?) to see a list of available protocol keywords. To
match any Internet protocol (including ICMP, TCP, and UDP), use
the keyword ip.
• The source is the number of the network or host from which the
packet is sent.
• The source-wildcard applies wildcard bits to the source.
• The destination is the network or host number to which the packet
is sent.
• The destination-wildcard applies wildcard bits to the destination.
Source, source-wildcard, destination, and destination-wildcard can be
specified as:
• The 32-bit quantity in dotted-decimal format.
• The keyword any for (any host).
• The keyword host for a single host
Other keywords are optional and have these meanings:
• precedence—Enter to match packets with a precedence level
specified as a number from 0 to 7 or by name: routine (0), priority
(1), immediate (2), flash (3), flash-override (4), critical (5),
internet (6), network (7).
• tos—Enter to match by type of service level, specified by a number
from 0 to 15 or a name: normal (0), max-reliability (2),
max-throughput (4), min-delay (8).
• dscp—Enter to match packets with the DSCP value specified by a
number from 0 to 63, or use the question mark (?) to see a list of
available values.
or ip access-list extended name Define an extended IPv4 access list using a name, and enter access-list
configuration mode. The name can be a number from 100 to 199.
In access-list configuration mode, enter permit protocol {source
source-wildcard destination destination-wildcard} [precedence
precedence] [tos tos] [dscp dscp] as defined in Step 2.