Cisco ME 3400 Ethernet Access Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 32 Configuring IP Unicast Routing
Configuring EIGRP
Default EIGRP Configuration
Table 32-7, Part 1 shows the default EIGRP configuration.
Table 32-7, Part 1 Default EIGRP Configuration
Feature Default Setting
Auto summary Enabled. Subprefixes are summarized to the classful network boundary when crossing
classful network boundaries.
Default-information Exterior routes are accepted and default information is passed between EIGRP processes
when doing redistribution.
Default metric Only connected routes and interface static routes can be redistributed without a default
metric. The metric includes:
• Bandwidth: 0 or greater kbps.
• Delay (tens of microseconds): 0 or any positive number that is a multiple of 39.1
• Reliability: any number between 0 and 255 (255 means 100 percent reliability).
• Loading: effective bandwidth as a number between 0 and 255 (255 is 100 percent
• MTU: maximum transmission unit size of the route in bytes. 0 or any positive integer.
Distance Internal distance: 90.
External distance: 170.
EIGRP log-neighbor changes Disabled. No adjacency changes logged.
IP authentication key-chain No authentication provided.
IP authentication mode No authentication provided.
IP bandwidth-percent 50 percent.
IP hello interval For low-speed nonbroadcast multiaccess (NBMA) networks: 60 seconds; all other
networks: 5 seconds.
IP hold-time For low-speed NBMA networks: 180 seconds; all other networks: 15 seconds.
IP split-horizon Enabled.
IP summary address No summary aggregate addresses are predefined.
Metric weights tos: 0; k1 and k3: 1; k2, k4, and k5: 0
Network None specified.
Offset-list Disabled.
Router EIGRP Disabled.
Set metric No metric set in the route map.
Traffic-share Distributed proportionately to the ratios of the metrics.
Variance 1 (equal-cost load balancing).