Cisco ME 3400 Ethernet Access Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 32 Configuring IP Unicast Routing
Configuring OSPF
Use the no form of these commands to remove the configured parameter value or return to the
default value.
Configuring OSPF Area Parameters
You can optionally configure several OSPF area parameters. These parameters include authentication for
password-based protection against unauthorized access to an area, stub areas, and not-so-stubby-areas
(NSSAs). Stub areas are areas into which information on external routes is not sent. Instead, the area
border router (ABR) generates a default external route into the stub area for destinations outside the
autonomous system (AS). An NSSA does not flood all LSAs from the core into the area, but can import
AS external routes within the area by redistribution.
Step 4
ip ospf cost (Optional) Explicitly specify the cost of sending a packet on the
Step 5
ip ospf retransmit-interval seconds (Optional) Specify the number of seconds between link state
advertisement transmissions. The range is 1 to 65535 seconds. The
default is 5 seconds.
Step 6
ip ospf transmit-delay seconds (Optional) Set the estimated number of seconds to wait before
sending a link state update packet. The range is 1 to 65535 seconds.
The default is 1 second.
Step 7
ip ospf priority number (Optional) Set priority to help find the OSPF designated router for a
network. The range is from 0 to 255. The default is 1.
Step 8
ip ospf hello-interval seconds (Optional) Set the number of seconds between hello packets sent on
an OSPF interface. The value must be the same for all nodes on a
network. The range is 1 to 65535 seconds. The default is 10 seconds.
Step 9
ip ospf dead-interval seconds (Optional) Set the number of seconds after the last device hello
packet was seen before its neighbors declare the OSPF router to be
down. The value must be the same for all nodes on a network. The
range is 1 to 65535 seconds. The default is 4 times the hello interval.
Step 10
ip ospf authentication-key key (Optional) Assign a password to be used by neighboring OSPF
routers. The password can be any string of keyboard-entered
characters up to 8 bytes in length. All neighboring routers on the
same network must have the same password to exchange OSPF
Step 11
ip ospf message digest-key keyid md5 key (Optional) Enable MDS authentication.
• keyid—An identifier from 1 to 255.
• key—An alphanumeric password of up to 16 bytes.
Step 12
ip ospf database-filter all out (Optional) Block flooding of OSPF LSA packets to the interface. By
default, OSPF floods new LSAs over all interfaces in the same area,
except the interface on which the LSA arrives.
Step 13
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 14
show ip ospf interface [interface-name] Display OSPF-related interface information.
Step 15
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose