Cisco ME 3400 Ethernet Access Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 30 Configuring QoS
Configuring QoS
To delete an access list, use the no mac access-list extended access-list-name global configuration
This example shows how to create a Layer 2 MAC ACL with two permit statements. The first statement
allows traffic from the host with MAC address 0001.0000.0001 to the host with MAC
address 0002.0000.0001. The second statement allows only Ethertype XNS-IDP traffic from the host
with MAC address 0001.0000.0002 to the host with MAC address 0002.0000.0002.
Switch(config)# mac access-list extended maclist1
Switch(config-ext-macl)# permit 0001.0000.0001 0.0.0 0002.0000.0001 0.0.0
Switch(config-ext-macl)# permit 0001.0000.0002 0.0.0 0002.0000.0002 0.0.0 xns-idp
Switch(config-ext-macl)# exit
Using Class Maps to Define a Traffic Class
You use the class-map global configuration command to name and to isolate a specific traffic flow (or
class) from all other traffic. A class map defines the criteria to use to match against a specific traffic flow
to further classify it. Match statements can include criteria such as an ACL, CoS value, DSCP value, IP
precedence values, or QoS group values. You define match criterion with one or more match statements
entered in the class-map configuration mode.
Follow these guidelines when configuring class maps:
• A match-all class map cannot have more than one classification criterion (one match statement), but
a match-any class map can contain multiple match statements.
• A match cos command is supported only on Layer 2 IEEE 802.1Q trunk ports.
• For an input policy map, you cannot configure an IP classification (match ip dscp, match ip
precedence, match ip acl) and a non-IP classification (match cos or match mac acl) in the same
policy map or class map.
• You cannot configure match qos-group for an input policy map.
• In an output policy map, no two class maps can have the same classification criteria; that is, the same
match qualifiers and values.
• The maximum number of class maps on the switch is 256.