Cisco MGX 8220 Installation and Configuration
Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003
Configuring the Clock Source
Configuring the Port Queue
cnfportq "QueueNo. MaxQdepth EFCIThresh"
This command can be used to configure the maximum queue depth and the EFCI threshold for the
QueueNo. (1...8)
The Maximum Qdepth of the queue should be less if the AIM group is carrying delay-sensitive traffic
(for example, voice, video).
Sample Data
cnfportq "1 50 50"
The maximum Qdepth could be maximum possible, and EFCI threshold could be less (ForeSight can
kick in quickly, if Q starts building up) for AIM group carrying nondelay-sensitive data traffic.
Sample Data
cnfportq "1 500 15"
dspportq “PortNo”
PortNo could be 1...8. QueueNo can be only 1. This command will display the queue configuration for
the corresponding queue. It will also show the number of cells discarded due to Qfull condition on this
Example display
AXIS18.1.13.IMATM.a > dspportq "1"
ServicePortNum: 1
QueueNumber: 1
PortBinState: Enabled
QueueDepth(cells): 9216
EFCIThreshold(cells): 7372
EgressQFullDiscardedCells: 0
Syntax : dspportq "port_num"
Where port number -- values ranging from 1-8
Note The “EgressQFullDiscardedCells” is cleared with the clrportcnt command.
clrportcnt 1
This command will clear the EgressQFullDiscardedCells.