Cisco MGX 8220 Installation and Configuration
Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003
Replacing Parts
Replacing Parts
After an alarm occurs, use the MGX 8220 shelf software to isolate the problem. If an MGX 8220 shelf
part has failed, it must be replaced.
• Replacing a Front Card, page 8-21
• Replacing a Back Card, page 8-21
• Replacing a DC Power Entry Module, page 8-22
• Replacing the Cooling, Booster, Plenum, and AC Power Assemblies, page 8-23
Caution Only authorized personnel should remove and replace parts on the MGX 8220 system.
6261 Foresight Enable Failed Failed to start Fore Sight interrupt service routine.
6271 PLPP FIFO Overrun PLPP FIFO overflow has occurred.
6281 Failed to Add Egress Q Failed to add egress queue to specified port.
6282 Failed to modify Egress Q Failed to modify egress queue parameters.
6283 Failed to delete Egress Q Deletion of egress queue failed.
6284 BERT error Error in BERT. Details on the specific instance of
BERT failure is displayed.
6285 AUSM out of xmt buffer AUSM card is out of buffers, malloc failed.
6286 Invalid value Invalid value for parameters. Additional information
on the specific parameter is displayed.
6288 Undoing delete with add line
Failed while trying to undo delete line (by adding the
line back). Trying to undo because of ASC MIB
update failure.
6289 Undoing add with delete line
Failed while trying to undo add line (by deleting the
line). Trying to undo because of ASC MIB update
6290 Undoing modify with
modify line failed
Failed while trying to undo modify line. Trying to
undo because of ASC MIB update failure.
6292 Undoing delete with add
port failed
Failed while trying to undo delete port (by adding the
port back). Trying to undo because of ASC MIB
update failure.
6293 Undoing add with delete
port failed
Failed while trying to undo add port (by deleting the
port). Trying to undo because of ASC MIB update
6294 Undoing modify with
modify port failed
Failed while trying to undo modify port. Trying to
undo because of ASC MIB update failure.
6295 Updating BNM failed Failed to update BNM. Addtional information
describing the specific instance of failure is
Table 8-6 AUSM Log Codes (continued)
Error Number Display Log String Detail Description