
Cisco MGX 8220 Installation and Configuration
Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003
Log Codes
1213 NULL Standby card firmware update, as active card firmware
revision is higher than the standby revision.
1214 NULL Standby firmware update when active is native to shelf
and standby is not native.
1215 switch reason Standby card has been allowed to gain mastership as the
firmware revision in the standby card is higher than the
active firmware.
1216 switch reason Standby card has been allowed mastership because the
active was not native to shelf and the standby was native
to shelf.
1217 switch reason Not used.
1218 NULL Overrides do not change standby if standby firmware
revision is Release 2 or Release 3.
1219 switch reason Standby card has been allowed mastership because
standby firmware version is higher than active.
1220 informational SMM-related information regarding the card state and
other information useful for debugging and
administration has been logged.
1221 communication up, slot Message received, which states that an SM card is
responding while polling. Additional information about
the slot number and the card state is also displayed.
1222 communication down,
Message received, which states that an SM card is not
responding while polling.
1223 card inserted, slot SM card insertion detected while monitoring the slot
states of the shelf.
1224 card removed, slot SM card removal detected while monitoring the slot
states of the shelf.
1225 SM card state change Message received, which reports the change in card
state. Information about the present card state is also
1226 Both Mastership
Asserted, cardState
Both cards have asserted mastership state.
1227 Major Alarm:
Connections exist on
removed SM
Connections exist on the removed SM card and a major
alarm has been logged.
1228 Clear Alarm: Connections
exist on removed SM
Clear the alarm caused by the switchover of a card with
existing connections by a new card.
1229 card ready de asserted,
slot n
SM card failure detected. Additional Information about
the slot number is displayed.
1230 standby F/W update
Error occurred while updating the firmware version in
the standby card. Operation incomplete.
Table 8-3 ASC Log Codes (continued)
Error Number Display Log String Detail Description