Cisco MGX 8220 Installation and Configuration
Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003
Firmware Upgrade and Downgrade Procedures
This appendix describes the procedures for upgrading or downgrading from one MGX 8220 firmware
revision to another firmware revision. Both the upgrading and downgrading of ASC and service module
firmware, and the upgrading and downgrading of backup boot code are included.
Each procedure is characterized by
• Whether an upgrade or downgrade is being performed
• Whether the MGX 8220 has one core card set or two core card sets
• What “from” release and what “to” release are involved
• Whether the upgrade or downgrade is standard or graceful
A standard upgrade and downgrade is simpler and faster than its corresponding graceful
procedures, but it usually involves some traffic loss through the MGX 8220 while the
procedure is being performed.
A graceful upgrade and downgrade is more complex and takes longer than its corresponding
standard procedure, but it attempts to eliminate, or at least minimize, traffic loss while the
procedure is being performed.
To cover all the possible combinations, there are 25 specific procedures, all of which are described in
this appendix. To determine which procedure to use in a particular situation, look up a procedure
number in one of the eight tables, see the “Using the Procedure Tables” section and follow that
procedure described in the body of this appendix. The tables are identified as A through H.
The procedures themselves involve issuing a sequence of commands using the shelf command-line
interface (CLI).
Definition of terms and descriptions of commands involved in the procedures are provided at the end of
this appendix.