Cisco ONS 15327 Troubleshooting Guide, R3.4
March 2004
Chapter 2 Alarm Troubleshooting
Alarm Procedures
Procedure: Clear the FORCED-REQ-RING Condition
Step 1 Complete the “Clear the FORCED-REQ Condition” procedure on page 2-69.
Step 2 If the condition does not clear, log onto http://www.cisco.com/tac for more information or call TAC
• Not Alarmed (NA), Non-Service Affecting (NSA)
The Force Switch Request Span (FORCED-REQ-SPAN) condition applies to optical trunk cards in
BLSRs when the FORCE SPAN command is applied to a BLSR to force traffic from working to protect
or from protect to working.
Procedure: Clear the FORCED-REQ-SPAN Condition
Step 1 Complete the “Clear the FORCED-REQ Condition” procedure on page 2-69.
Step 2 If the condition does not clear, log onto http://www.cisco.com/tac for more information or call TAC
• Not Alarmed (NA), Non-Service Affecting (NSA)
The Force Switch to Internal Timing (FRCDSWTOINT) condition occurs when the user issues a Force
command to switch to an internal timing source.
Note FRCDSWTOINT is an informational condition. It does not require troubleshooting.
• Not Alarmed (NA), Non-Service Affecting (NSA)
The Force Switch to Primary Timing Source (FRCDSWTOPRI) condition occurs when the user issues
a Force command to switch to the primary timing source.
Note FRCDSWTOPRI is an informational condition. It does not require troubleshooting.