Cisco ONS 15327 Troubleshooting Guide, R3.4
March 2004
Chapter 2 Alarm Troubleshooting
Alarm Procedures
Caution Always use the supplied electrostatic discharge wristband when working with a powered ONS 15327.
Plug the wristband cable into the ESD jack located between the top high-speed and XTC slots.
Procedure: Clear the SD Condition
Step 1 Complete the “Verify BER Threshold Level” procedure on page 2-129.
Step 2 If the BER threshold is correct and at the expected level, use an optical test set to measure the power
level of the line to ensure the level is within guidelines.
For specific procedures to use the test set equipment, consult the manufacturer.
Step 3 If the optical power level is correct, verify that optical receive levels are within the acceptable range.
Step 4 If receive levels are correct, clean the fibers at both ends according to site practice. If no site practice
exists, complete the procedure in the Cisco ONS 15327 Procedure Guide.
Step 5 If the alarm does not clear, verify that single-mode fiber is used.
Step 6 If the fiber is the correct type, verify that a single-mode laser is used at the far-end node.
Step 7 If the problem does not clear, the transmitter at the other end of the optical line might be failing and
require replacement.
Step 8 If the condition does not clear, log onto http://www.cisco.com/tac for more information or call TAC
2.6.149 SD-L
• Not Alarmed (NA), Non-Service Affecting (NSA)
An SD Line condition is similar to an SD condition (see page 2-104). It applies to the line level of the
SONET signal.
Procedure: Clear the SD-L Condition
Step 1 Complete the “Clear the SD Condition” procedure on page 2-105.
Step 2 If the condition does not clear, log onto http://www.cisco.com/tac for more information or call TAC
2.6.150 SD-P
• Not Alarmed (NA), Non-Service Affecting (NSA)
An SD Path (SD-P) condition is similar to an SD condition (see page 2-104) but it applies to the path
(STS) layer of the SONET overhead. A path or ST-level SD alarm travels on the B3 byte of the SONET