Cisco ONS 15327 Troubleshooting Guide, R3.4
April 2003
Chapter 1 General Troubleshooting
Identify Points of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Path
Figure 1-8 Hairpin Circuit on a Source Node XTC Port
Note An XTC card is required to operate the ONS 15327 and can be used in a redundant or nonredundant
Procedure: Create the Hairpin on the Source Node Port
Step 1 Connect an electrical test set to the port you are testing.
• If you just completed the “Perform a Facility Loopback on a Source XTC Port” procedure on
page 1-5, leave the electrical test set hooked up to the MIC port.
• If you are starting the current procedure without the electrical test set hooked up to the MIC port,
use appropriate cabling to attach the Tx and Rx terminals of the electrical test set to the MIC
connectors for the port you are testing. The Tx and Rx terminals connect to the same port.
Adjust the test set accordingly.
Step 2 Use CTC to set up the hairpin on the port being tested:
a. Click the Circuits tab and click the Create button.
b. Give the circuit an easily identifiable name, such as Hairpin1.
c. Set the circuit Type and Size to the normal preferences.
d. Uncheck the Bidirectional check box and click the Next button.
e. In the Circuit Source dialog box, select the same Node, card Slot, Port, and Type where the test set
is connected and click the Next button.
f. In the Circuit Destination dialog box, use the same Node, card Slot, Port, and Type used for the
Circuit Source dialog box and click the Finish button.
Step 3 Confirm that the newly created circuit appears on the Circuits tab list as a one-way circuit.
Step 4 Proceed to the “Test the Hairpin Circuit” procedure on page 1-9.
Procedure: Test the Hairpin Circuit
Step 1 If the test set is not already sending traffic, send test-set traffic on the loopback circuit.
Step 2 Examine the test traffic received by the test set. Look for errors or any other signal information that the
test set is capable of indicating.
Test Set A
ONS 15327
ONS 15327