Cisco ONS 15327 Troubleshooting Guide, R3.4
April 2003
Chapter 1 General Troubleshooting
Identify Points of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Path
Step 6 Verify that the circuits connect to the correct slots. For example, verify that source node/Slot 1 OC-N
card (east slot) is connected to destination node/Slot 2(west slot). If two east slots or two west slots are
connected, the circuit does not work. Except for the distinct slots, all other circuit information, such as
ports, should be identical.
Step 7 Proceed to the “Test the Hairpin Circuit” procedure on page 1-16.
Procedure: Test the Hairpin Circuit
Step 1 If the test set is not already sending traffic, send test-set traffic on the loopback circuit.
Step 2 Examine the test traffic received by the test set. Look for errors or any other signal information indicated
by the test set.
Step 3 If the test set indicates a good circuit, no further testing is necessary with the hairpin circuit:
a. Clear the hairpin circuit:
• Click the Circuits tab.
• Choose the hairpin circuit being tested.
• Click the Delete button.
• Click the Yes button in the Delete Circuits dialog box.
• Confirm that the hairpin circuit is deleted from the Circuits tab list.
b. Proceed to the “Perform a Facility Loopback on a Destination XTC Card” procedure on page 1-18.
Step 4 If the test set indicates a faulty circuit, the problem might exist with the destination XTC card.
Step 5 Proceed to the “Test the Alternate Destination XTC Card” procedure on page 1-16.
Procedure: Test the Alternate Destination XTC Card
Step 1 Perform a software reset on the active XTC card.
Caution XTC side switches are service-affecting. Any live traffic on any card in the node endures a hit
of up to 50 ms.
Note After the active XTC goes into standby, the original standby slot becomes active. This causes the
ACT/STBY LED to become green on the former standby card.
Step 2 Resend test traffic on the loopback circuit. The test traffic routes through the alternate XTC card.
Step 3 If the test set indicates a faulty circuit, assume that the XTC card is not causing the problem:
a. Clear the hairpin circuit:
• Click the Circuits tab.
• Choose the hairpin circuit being tested.