5.2 Digital Multimeter Parameters
The following procedures are general in nature; for in-depth service, and repair see
the Service & Support section of this manual.
Lethal voltages present!
Only technically qualified
individuals shoud attempt
troubleshooting or service
If any abnormal readings are displayed for any of the following parameters on the
Digital Multimeter, try troubleshooting in the following manner:
5.2.1 In Ref (Input Drive Reference)
If this indication of drive level is not between 0.4 and 0.8 volts, then:
q Check the exciter to ensure proper power input level of 25–30 watts.
q Check RF input cable for secure connection.
5.2.2 SWR (Standing Wave Ratio)
If the SWR is over 1.5:1, then look for:
q effects of inclement weather such as icing on the antenna and feed line.
q for moisture in the feedline.
q insecure antenna connections.
5.2.3 ALC (Automatic Level Control)
If this indication is not between 4.00 and 6.00 volts for 1.1 kW output, then:
q Check for overheating (see PA Temp fault LED).
q Check for overcurrent (see PA DC fault LED).
q Check for high SWR (see Antenna fault LED).
5.2.4 Power Out
This reading is user adjustable, but for full output should read 1.10 for 1.1 kW.
q If lower than desired, check for proper input drive, and/or proper adjustment
of the Local Power Control (see section 3.1 #6).