exciter (1) A circuit that supplies the initial oscillator used
in the driver stage. (2) A transmitter configuration
which excludes stereo generation and audio
FET Field-Effect Transistor
frequency synthesizer A circuit that generates precise frequency signals
by means of a single crystal oscillator in conjunc-
tion with frequency dividers and multipliers.
FM Frequency Modulation; the process of impressing
information on a radio signal by varying its fre-
FSK Frequency Shift Keying; an FM technique for
shifting the frequency of the main carrier at a
Morse code rate. Used in the on-air identification
of frequencies.
gain reduction The process of reducing the gain of a given ampli-
harmonics Undesirable energy at integral multiples of a
desired, fundamental frequency.
HF High Frequency; Frequencies in the 3.0 to 30.0
MHz range.
Highband Frequencies affected by the pre-emphasis.
IC Integrated Circuit
I/O Input/Output
LED Light-Emitting Diode
modulation The process by which a carrier is varied to repre-
sent an information-carrying signal.
MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor;
a voltage-controlled device with high input imped-
ance due to its electrically isolated gate.
nearcast A transmission within a localized geographic area
(ranging from a single room to a several kilome-
PA Power Amplifier