FM1000A User's Manual
7.1 Service
The product warranty (see opposite page) outlines our responsibility for defective
products. Before returning a product for repair or replacement (our choice), call
our Customer Service department using the following telephone number:
(866) 262-8917
Our Customer Service Representative will give you further instructions regarding
the return of your product. Use the original shipping carton or a new one obtained
from Crown. Place shipping spacers between the slide-out power amplifier assem-
bly and the back panel.
Please fill out the Factory Service Instructions sheet (page 7–5) and include it with
your returned product.
7.2 24–Hour Support
In most instances, what you need to know about your product can be found in this
manual. There are times when you may need more in-depth information or even
emergency-type information. We provide 24–hour technical assistance on your
product via a toll telephone call.
For emergency help or detailed technical assistance, call
(866) 262-8917
You may be required to leave a message at this number but your call will be
returned promptly from our on-call technician.
7.3 Spare Parts
To obtain spare parts, call Crown Broadcast Sales at the following number.
(866) 262-891
You may also write to the following address:
Service Manger
International Radio and Electronics Company, Inc.
25166 Leer Drive
Elkhart, Indiana, U.S.A. 46514-5425