FM1000A User's Manual
PAI Power Amplifier Current
PAV Power Amplifier Voltage
pilot A 19–kHz signal used for stereo transmissions.
pre-emphasis The deliberate accentuation of the higher audio
frequencies; made possible by a high-pass filter.
processing The procedure and/or circuits used to modify
incoming audio (keeping its level around 75 kHz
deviation) to make it suitable for transmission.
receiver An option which adds incoming RF capability to an
existing transmitter. See also "Translator."
RF Radio Frequency; (1) A specific portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum between audio-fre-
quency and the infrared portion. (2) A frequency
useful for radio transmission (roughly 10 kHz and
100,000 MHz).
SCA Subsidiary Communications Authorization; see
S/N Signal to Noise
spurious products Unintended signals present on the transmission
output terminal.
stability A tolerance or measure of how well a component,
circuit, or system maintains constant operating
conditions over a period of time.
stereo pilot See "pilot."
stereo separation The amount of left-channel information that bleeds
into the right channel (or vice versa).
subcarrier A carrier signal which operates at a lower fre-
quency than the main carrier frequency and which
modulates the main carrier.
suppression The process used to hold back or stop certain