
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4860, Rev BC
Appendix A: Reference Data
January 2013
Specifications and Reference Data
A.4 Performance specifications
The following performance specifications are for all Rosemount models except where noted.
Digital performance specifications applicable to Digital HART output.
A.4.1 Flow accuracy
Includes linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability.
Liquids - for Reynolds Numbers over 20,000
Digital and pulse output
± 0.75% of rate
Analog output
Same as pulse output plus an additional 0.025% of span
Gas and steam - for Reynolds Numbers over 15,000
Digital and pulse output
± 1% of rate
Analog output
Same as pulse output plus an additional 0.025% of span
Accuracy limitations for gas and steam:
Max velocity of 100 ft/s (30.5 m/s)
As the meter Reynolds Numbers decreases below the stated limit to 10,000 the accuracy error
band will increase linearly to +/-3.0%. For Reynolds Numbers down to 5,000 the accuracy error
band will increase linearly from +/-3.0% to +/-10.0%.
Process temperature accuracy
2.2 °F (1.2 °C).
For remote mount installations, add ±0.018 °F/ft. (±0.03 °C/m) of uncertainty to the
temperature measurement.
Mass flow accuracy for temperature compensated mass flow
Digital and pulse output
± 2.5% of rate (Nominal)