Reference Manual
00809-0100-4860, Rev BC
Appendix A: Reference Data
January 2013
Specifications and Reference Data
Nominal conditions include temperature variation in saturation and superheat at 150 psig (10
bar-g) and above.
For pressure below 150 psig (10 bar-g), add 0.08% of uncertainty for every 15 psi (1 bar) below
150 psig (10 bar-g).
Analog output
Same as pulse output plus an additional 0.025% of span
± 0.2% of actual flow rate
± 0.1% of rate over one year
Process temperature effect
Automatic K-factor correction with user-entered process temperature.
Tab le A -1 3 indicates the percent change in K-factor per 100 °F (55.5 °C) in process temperature
from reference temperature of 77 °F (25 °C).
Ambient temperature effect
Digital and pulse outputs
No effect
Analog output
±0.1% of span from –58 to 185 °F (–50 to 85 °C)
Vibration effect
An output with no process flow may be detected if sufficiently high vibration is present.
The meter design will minimize this effect, and the factory settings for signal processing are
selected to eliminate these errors for most applications.
If an output error at zero flow is still detected, it can be eliminated by adjusting the low flow
cutoff, trigger level, or low-pass filter.
As the process begins to flow through the meter, most vibration effects are quickly overcome by
the flow signal.
Table A-13. Process Temperature Effect
Percent Change in K-Factor per
100 °F (55.5 °C)
< 77 °F (25 °C) + 0.23
> 77 °F (25 °C) - 0.27