Reference Manual
00809-0100-4860, Rev BC
Appendix B: Approval information
January 2013
Approval information
E1 Certification No. DEKRA12ATEX0189X
Integral Transmitter marked:
ATEX Marking II 1/2 G
Ex d [ia Ga] IIC T6 Ga/Gb
Remote Transmitter marked:
ATEX Marking II 2 G
Ex d [ia Ga] IIC T6 Gb
Remote Sensor marked:
ATEX Marking II 1 G
Ex ia IIC T6 Ga
Ambient temperature range: -50 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +70 °C
Process temperature range: -202 °C to +427 °C
Maximum Working Voltage = 42 Vdc
Transmitter Um = 250V
Remote mounted sensor: in type of protection Ex ia IIC, only to be connected to the
associated Model 8600D Vortex Flow meter electronics.
The maximum allowable length of the interconnecting cable is 152m (500ft.)
Special conditions for safe use (X)
1. For information regarding the dimensions of the flameproof joints the manufacturer
shall be contacted.
2. The Flowmeter shall be provided with special fasteners of property class A2-70 or
3. Units marked with “Warning: Electrostatic Charging Hazard” may use non-conductive
paint thicker than 0.2 mm. Precautions shall be taken to avoid ignition due to
electrostatic charge on the enclosure.
Dust certification
EN 60079-0: 2009
EN 60079-11: 2007
EN 60079-31: 2009