Reference Manual
00809-0100-4860, Rev BC
Section 2: Installation
January 2013
Although the signal conditioning functions reduce susceptibility to extraneous noise, some
environments are more suitable than others. Avoid placing the flowmeter or its wiring close to
devices that produce high intensity electromagnetic and electrostatic fields. Such devices include
electric welding equipment, large electric motors and transformers, and communication
2.3 Hazardous locations
The Rosemount 8600D has an explosion-proof housing and circuitry suitable for intrinsically
safe and non-incendive operation. Individual transmitters are clearly marked with a tag
indicating the certifications they carry.
2.4 Hardware configuration
The hardware jumpers on the Rosemount 8600D enable you to set the alarm and security. (See
Figure 2-5.) To access the jumpers, remove the electronics housing cover from the electronics
end of the Rosemount 8600D. If your Rosemount 8600D includes an LCD option, the alarm and
security jumpers are found on the face of the LCD indicator. (See Figure 2-6 on page 10.)
If you will be changing configuration variables frequently, it may be
useful to leave the security lockout jumper in the OFF position to
avoid exposing the flowmeter electronics to the plant environment.
Set these jumpers during the commissioning stage to avoid exposing the electronics to the
plant environment.
Figure 2-5. Alarm and Security Jumpers