Installing server components
28 Adaptive Server Enterprise
At the end of the installation, you can verify the product installation. You may
need to perform additional configuration procedures before you can use some
Note As part of the installation, the Installer sets most of the environment
variables in %SYBASE%\ASE150.bat. If you need to run any Sybase
Application from command prompt you must execute this file first.
To install server components:
1 Stop and shut down all programs before running the installer.
2 Insert the CD into the CD drive, or download and extract the Adaptive
Server install image from the Sybase Product Download Center (SPDC).
Launch the Adaptive Server Installer.
mount -F cdfs -o ro,rr <CDROM device> /cdrom
Insert the CD into the CD drive. The Installer should start automatically.
If it does not, start the setup program manually by selecting Start | Run.
Browse to setup.exe.
3 The Welcome screen displays. Click Next.
4 When the license selection window displays, select the most appropriate
location from the drop-down list, read the license terms, and then click “I
agree...” to proceed. Click Next.
Not every country is listed in the drop-down list. If the country you are
located in is not listed, select the most appropriate area.
5 The Install directory window allows you to select a directory for the
installation by clicking Browse. Click Next to accept the default of:
You can also enter a directory for installation.
6 If user has Sybase Central previously installed to a directory other than the
one specified in step 5 the following pop-up dialogue will be shown:
The install program detected a previously installed
copy of Sybase Central 4.3 in the following
directory. It is recommended that the Sybase Central
updates and Adaptive Server plugins be installed in
this location rather than. Do you want to continue