CHAPTER 2 Installing Adaptive Server
Installation Guide 29
installing Sybase Central and Adaptive Server plugin
If you choose “no” to above question, the following pop-up dialogue will
be shown
You have chosen to install Sybase Central in a new
location. Once the installation is complete you will
no longer be able to access plug-ins previously
registered. In order to access these plug-ins you
will need to manually re-register the previously
installed plug-ins. Do you want to continue?
7 You can choose from three types of installations in the Install Type
• Typical
Note Be aware that the Typical install does not install the license
server. If you need to install the license server, select the Custom
installation and select your components.
• Full
8 If you select Custom, the Products and Features Selection window
displays. Select the products you want to install by checking the box next
to each product name.
Note Some features are dependent on other features; therefore, you cannot
unselect some items without first unselecting others.
After you have made your selection, click Next. Before proceeding to the
next window, the Installer verifies the selections, and checks for
dependencies and available disk space.
9 The Product Selection Summary window displays the selections that you
have made.
Verify that you have selected the correct type of installation, and that you
have enough disk space to complete the process. Click Next to proceed.
10 The Install Progress window shows the progress of the installation.
11 The Install Status window displays the result of the installation process.
Click Next to configure the software.