Upgrading high availability
84 Adaptive Server Enterprise
Use “en” for the language_code or you may omit the parameter
completely as “en” is the default.
Note Template XML should be upgraded on all Job Scheduler servers
upgraded to Adaptive Server version 15.0.1. Do not install them on
pre-15.0.1 servers or servers where Job Scheduler is not installed.
Upgrading high availability
Using the following steps to upgrade high availability-enabled Adaptive
Server in active-active configuration:
1 Drop the high availability companionship. On the secondary server, use
sp_companion <primary_server_name>, "drop"
2 Use the cluster system command to stop monitoring resources associated
with Adaptive Server on each cluster node.
3 Follow the upgrade steps in “Upgrading to Adaptive Server 15.0.2” on
page 68 to upgrade each of the Adaptive Servers separately.
4 Run the new Adaptive Server installmaster script against the newly
upgraded Adaptive Servers.
5 Run the new Adaptive Server installhasvss script against the newly
upgraded Adaptive Servers.
6 In the new Adaptive Server installation area, follow the instructions in
Using Sybase Failover in A High Availability System to configure the
permission and ownership for $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/bin/sybha and
7 In the new Adaptive Server installation area, modify high
availability-related files such as the RUN_server_file, and the SYBASE.csh
and SYBASE.sh files, if those files are required on that cluster platform.
8 Reconfigure each resource associated with Adaptive Server depending on
platform-specific requirements. For example, on Veritas Cluster, the
HAase resource properties, the RUN_server_file, and Sybase_home need
to be updated.