Upgrading Job Scheduler
80 Adaptive Server Enterprise
There is no need to specify any parameters.
6 Restart Adaptive Server.
7If the
sybmgmtdev device is less than 100MB, change the device to be a
minimum of 100MB. From
isql enter the following, where nn.nM is the
number of megabytes needed to get to 100 MB:
use master
disk resize name = 'sybmgmtdev' , size = 'nn.nM'
8 Optionally, add more log space. On some 64-bit platforms more space is
need for the
sybmgmtdb log. From isql enter:
use master
alter database sybmgmtdb LOG on sybmgmtdev=20
9 Upgrade the sybmgmtdb. Using isql, run the installjsdb script that is
included with this release and save the output to a file:
isql -Usa -Psa_password -Sservername -n
10 Enable Job Scheduler to start when Adaptive Server starts. From isql enter
the command:
sp_configure "enable job scheduler", 1
11 Start Job Scheduler. From isql enter the command:
sybmgmtdb..sp_js_wakeup "start_js", 1
Upgrading Job Scheduler templates
After upgrading to the new Adaptive Server, perform the following steps to
upgrade templates and jobs created from Job Scheduler templates.
Note For the Adaptive Server version 15.0.2 release, there are several changes
that impact Job Scheduler templates. These changes make some templates
incompatible with earlier versions of Adaptive Server. These templates are
version 3.0 in the XML files.