MSX1616 OPERATION MANUAL - v1.0 5/8/02 2002 - INLINE, INC.
The MSX1616 16 input connections are terminated with BNC connectors that can accept
composite, S-Video component (YUV, YPrPb, YR-Y, B-Y), RGBHV, RGBS, RGsB, or
computer pass through singles. You can configure a single input to feed up to 16 different output
sources simultaneously, giving you 32 possible input/output configurations.
The MSX1616 has analog audio-follow-video and breakaway capability. All analog audio inputs
are compatible with balanced and unbalanced line level signals from a computer audio card or
any other audio device that delivers a stereo line level signal.
The MSX1616 can output to 16 separate sources through its BNC connectors.
The analog stereo audio output provides a balanced or unbalanced line level signal. This output
can drive any line level compatible audio unit or a local device such as powered speakers.