
2002 - INLINE, INC. MSX1616 OPERATION MANUAL - v1.0 5/8/02
Advanced Menu
This function lets you set up serial ports, reset the switcher, and activate RGB delay.
Setting up Serial Ports
1. Press MENU until 0DLQ0HQX displays in the LCD.
2. Press the soft key pointing to $GYDQFHG.
Result: $GYDQFHG0HQX displays in the LCD.
3. Select the soft key pointing to 6HULDO6HWXS.
Result: 6HULDO3RUW6HWXS displays in the LCD.
4. Select the soft key pointing to the serial port you want to set up.
Result: The LCD screen for that port displays.
5. Make any necessary changes to the %DXG5DWH, $''5, 'XSOH[, 3DULW\%LW, and
6WRS%LWV settings.
Use the up-and-down menu navigation buttons to scroll between the %DXG
5DWH, $''5, and 'XSOH[.
Use the left-and-right menu navigation buttons to change the actual %DXG
5DWH, $''5, and 'XSOH[.
6. Press ENTER to accept the changes.
7. Press MENU to exit.