MSX1616 OPERATION MANUAL - v1.0 5/8/02 2002 - INLINE, INC.
RGB delay provides an adjustable delay time between switching sync
and RGB boards.
• Where
o x.x = 0.0 – 6.0 in .1 seconds intervals, ? to query
Enable/Disable Vertical Interval Switching. Requires sources to be
Genlocked. Contact Inline Inc. For specific application support.
• Where x = 0 to disable, 1 to enable, ? to query
Level Commands
Level commands are a command subset that involves the assigning of boards into switching
levels. Levels can consist of combinations of R, G, B, HV and audio boards. You can access six
assignable levels via the front panel or serial control. For commands that use level designators,
see Switching Commands and Volume Commands.
Default Levels include:
• Level 1 - RGBHVA
• Level 2 - RGBHV
• Level 3 - Audio
• Level 4-6 - No Boards
Sets current working level of switcher.
• Where
o x = 1 - 6, x = ? query
Queries all levels.
Assigns individual boards to a specific level.
• Where
o x = 1 - 6
o yyy = RGBHVA for all boards
o yyy = RGBHV for RGB and sync
o yyy = RGB for RGB only
o yyy = SYNC for sync only
o yyy = AUD for audio only
o yyy = RONLY for red only
o yyy = GONLY for green only
o yyy = BONLY for blue only
o yyy = NO for no boards