MSX1616 OPERATION MANUAL - v1.0 5/8/02 2002 - INLINE, INC.
Loads hex command string to an input up to 60 characters.
• Where
o p = 2 for port 2, 3 for port 3
o ii = 01 – 16 for input
o abcdef… = hex string to be stored
o abcdef = ?, queries current label
Loads hex command string to an output up to 60 characters.
• Where
o p = 2 for port 2, 3 for port 3
o oo = 01 – 16 for output
o abcdef… = hex string to be stored
o abcdef - ?, queries current label
Loads hex command string to a preset up to 60 characters.
• Where
o p = 2 for port 2, 3 for port 3
o mmm = 001 - 256 for preset
o abcdef… = hex string to be stored
o abcdef - ?, queries current label
Loads ASCII command string to an input up to 60 characters.
• Where
o p = 2 for port 2, 3 for port 3
o ii = 01 – 16 for input
o abcdef… = hex string to be stored
o abcdef - ?, queries current label
Note: When controlling Inline products that also use brackets
as delimiters, replace open bracket [ with ‘ and closed bracket
] with " in the abcde… portion of the command. When this
command is sent out the command port the ‘will automatically
be replaced with []. "
Loads ASCII command string to an output up to 60 characters.
• Where
o p = 2 for port 2, 3 for port 3
o oo = 01 – 16 for output
o abcdef… = hex string to be stored
o abcdef - ?, queries current label
Note: When controlling Inline products that also use brackets
as delimiters, replace open bracket [with ‘ and closed bracket]
with " in the abcde… portion of the command. When this
command is sent out the command port the ‘ " will
automatically be replaced with [ ].