2. Use the
key to scroll through the list options until
the country of your present position appears.
3. Use
to highlight the country/state/region you’re in.
If the country you’re in is not listed, select another
country within 500 miles of your present position.
4. Press
to finish.
The GPS 125 Sounder will now begin searching for
the appropriate satellites for your location and should
acquire a position within a few minutes. You can verify
that you have acquired a position by watching the
Satellite Page transition to the Position Page (provided
you haven’t pressed any other buttons) or by looking for
a ‘2D NAV’ or ‘3D NAV’ status at the top left corner of
the Satellite Page.
Initialization Troubleshooting
If you have trouble initializing the receiver or
acquiring a position, check the following:
• Does the antenna have a clear view of the sky?
If there are nearby buildings, heavy tree cover, a
covered boat slip, etc., the unit may not be receiving
enough satellite signals to calculate a position.
• Have you selected the right country/state/region
from the EZinit list?
Check for the correct approximate lat/long on the
Position Page or reselect the appropriate country
from the list to restart the initialization.
• Have you moved more than 500 miles from the
last calculated position with the receiver off?
Reinitialize the receiver, selecting the country/state/
region of your new location from the EZinit list.
Your unit should now be initialized. If you want to
complete the Getting Started Tour at another time, you
may now turn the GPS 125 Sounder off (see below) or
you may continue.
To turn the GPS 125 Sounder off:
1. Press and hold
for approximately three seconds
until the receiver turns off.
The GPS 125 Sounder’s
Satellite Page will help you
determine which satellites
are in view and whether or
not any satellites are being
“shaded” or blocked from
the receiver’s antenna.
By monitoring the signal
strength bars at the bottom
of the page and the sky view,
you’ll be able to see how
moving to another area with
a clearer view of the sky will
improve satellite reception
and speed up signal
125 Man Rev B 7/23/98 11:47 AM Page 7