You may select how the area of strongest sonar
return is shown through the whiteline setting. A high
setting will cause a thick whiteline while low settings
show a thin whiteline.
To adjust the whiteline:
1. Highlight ‘WHITELINE?’ and press
. The Sounder
Page will appear with ‘WTLN’ and a value displayed
in the upper-left corner of the page.
2. Press the arrow keypad up or down until the desired
whiteline level is shown and press
Range Mode
You may select the range mode from this menu.
To select the auto or manual range mode:
1. Highlight the ‘RNG MODE’ field and press
. The
Manual/Auto field will be highlighted.
2. Press the arrow keypad up or down until the desired
range mode is shown and press
Fish ID
The Fish ID setting determines how the GPS 125
Sounder identifies and labels sonar targets on the
screen. Three settings are available:
• OFF - is the default setting and shows all sonar
target information in its unprocessed form.
• ON - shows small, medium, and large fish icons,
along with each target’s depth. Other echo informa-
tion (thermoclines, thin stumps, etc.) is shown as a
dotted pattern.
• FISH - shows fish icons and depth and does not
show other echo information.
To select Fish ID:
1. Highlight the ‘FISH ID’ field and press
. ‘ON/OFF’
will be highlighted.
2. Select the desired setting and press
Whiteline &
Fish ID
The whiteline may be
adjusted from 0 (off) to 100.
The default setting is 5.
The ‘OFF’ setting is the Fish
ID default and will show
sonar targets as arches.
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