Tips on Creating and Using the TracBack Feature
The GPS 125 Sounder’s TracBack feature is designed
to help you quickly create and activate a route that fol-
lows your path back to a user-defined starting point. To
get the most out of the TracBack feature, remember the
following tips:
• Always clear your track log at the exact point that
you want to return to ( truck, dock, etc.).
• The ‘RECORD’ option on the track log setup page
must be set to the ‘Yes’ position.
• There must be at least two track log points stored
in memory to create a TracBack route.
• If there are not enough available waypoints in
memory to create a TracBack route, you will be
alerted with a ‘waypoint memory full’ message,
and the receiver will use any available waypoints
to create a TracBack route with an emphasis on
the track log closest to the destination (the oldest
track log point in memory).
• If the ‘CRITERIA’ option on the track log setup
page is set to a time interval, the TracBack route
may not follow your exact path (the ‘Automatic’
setting will provide the best TracBack route).
• If the receiver is turned off or you lose satellite
coverage during your trip, the TracBack route will
simply draw a straight line between any point
where coverage was lost and where it resumed.
• If the changes of direction and distance of your
track log are very complex, 30 waypoints may not
be enough to accurately mark your exact path.
The receiver will then assign the 30 waypoints to
the most significant points of your track.
• If you want to save a TracBack route, copy route 0
to an open storage route before activating another
TracBack. Activating another TracBack or storage
route will overwrite the existing TracBack route.
• Whenever a TracBack route is activated, tempo-
rary waypoints (e.g., ‘T001’) that are not con-
tained in routes 1-19 are erased. If there are tem-
porary waypoints stored in routes 1-19, the
receiver will create any new temporary waypoints
using the first three-digit number available.
The TracBack feature will
navigate your track log
back to the oldest point in
the receiver’s memory.
The track log will be divided
into segments with tempo-
rary waypoints to create a
route back to the beginning
of the track log.
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