Sounder Page
The Sounder Page lets you use the GPS 125 as a
fishfinder. The top of the screen shows the range mode
being used, the water temperature (if using a tempera-
ture-sensitive transducer), and the digital depth, while
the middle of the page contains a right-to-left moving
sonar image of the water beneath your boat. (Note:
items appear as they pass under your transducer. Those
objects appearing on the right side of the screen are
closer to you than those objects on the left.) Fish are
displayed as a darkened arch or a fish icon in three dif-
ferent sizes. Thermoclines (layers of water separating
warmer water above and cooler water below) appear as
dotted patterns just above the bottom.
The area of strongest sonar return (whiteline) is
displayed as a mix of light and dark checkering.
Typically, the bottom will be the primary source of the
whiteline. A thin whiteline indicates a softer bottom
while a thicker whiteline shows a harder bottom. A
black line is used to show the point where water
meets the whiteline. This black line will follow the bot-
tom contour, along with any significant objects lying
on the bottom. Along the left side of the screen (typi-
cally) is an adjustable scale which shows the current
display’s range of depth.
Range Modes
The GPS 125 Sounder uses two range modes: auto
and manual. ‘Auto’ displays the most information pos-
sible while continuously displaying the bottom.
‘Manual’ lets you select the displayed range. You may
switch between auto and manual modes by using the
arrow keypad or by using the sounder setup menu.
GARMIN’s exclusive See-
Thru technology will allow
you to distinguish sonar tar-
gets from bottom clutter and
Sounder Page
Overview &
Range Modes
The GPS 125 Sounder uses
Depth Controlled Gain
(DCG) to give you the max-
imum amount of informa-
tion possible with minimal
Digital Depth
Sonar Target
Black Line
Range Mode
Water Temperature
(if equipped)
125 Man Rev B 7/23/98 11:48 AM Page 37