GPSMAP 3206/3210 Owner’s Manual 41
MaIn Pages > MaP sPlIt Page and coMPass Page
Map Split Page
Use the Map Split Page to view two pages at the same time. You can show two
different views of the Map Page, or to show a split view of the Map and Highway
pages. If you have a Garmin sonar module connected, you can set up the Map
Split Page to show the Map Page and Sonar Page; if you have Garmin radar
connected, you can view both the Map Page and the Radar Page.
To congure the Map Split Page:
1. PressPAGEuntiltheMapSplitPageisshown.
2. PressandholdtheDATA/CNFGkeytoopentheFunctionswindow.
3. SelectthepagesandoptionsyouwanttoshowontheMapSplitPage.
4. PressQUITtoclosetheFunctionwindowandreturntotheMapSplitPage.
Compass Page
The GPSMAP 3206/3210 features two different navigation pages: Compass and
Highway. When ever you are following a route or TrackBack, the Compass Page
guides you to your destination with digital readouts and a compass display, which
includes a Bearing Pointer.
Direction of travel (red line) Data elds
Compass ring
Bearing pointer