4dvat_tium ()vet_
to c,:dj'ust
or ch,c,:nge
_. @0
To adjust or change stored custom
speedcook recipes:
1. Press the F;-kVORITE RECIPES oi
the SPEEDCOOK pad.
2. Turn the dial m_til E4&ORITE
RECIPES appears. Press the dial
to e_ter.
o ; r, )?(_ )_,:,. Tmn the dial tmtil LD[] [d. H'I_
appears. Press the dial to enter.
4. Tmn the dial to the recipe you
want to change. Piess the dial
to emer. Cmrem setti_gs appear.
5. Press the dial to edit.
The display will prompt you to
select the poweI level(s) and edit
the name. Tmn the dial and
press to enter the appropriate
se tti n g_s.
t;br power t_¢_da_zd coohbzg _ime
.sugg_s_io_.s u.s_3our cooi_i_,{ guide
or cooh bool:.
_'(?€ i[) e--
to de&re
To delete stored cttstom speedcook
1. Press the FAVORITE RECIPES or
the SPEEDCOOK pad.
2. Turn the dial until FAVORITE
RECIPES appears. Press the dial
to enter.
3. Turn the dial until I)ELt_277;.
RECIt_F. appears and press the
dial to enter.
4. Turn dial to the recipe you
want to delete and press the
dial to enter.