4dvat_(ium ()vet_
{/.seDEt;7_OST BY FOOD T}7_F.jor
meal pou{tr 3 a_d fi.sh. Use [)EFf_O,S'T
B Y 7?ME.i0r m0st o,'!_%fi_ze_ ./30ds.
Foods f_ozen in paper or plastic
can be time defrosted in the
package, but %ods shoukt be
taken out of the package when
using DEI;;_OS'T BY FOOD T}7_E.
Closed packages shoukt be slit,
pierced o_ vented after %od has
partiall} deiiosted. Plastic st(wage
containers should be partially
Family-size, prepackaged frozen
dinners can be defiosted and
microwaved. If the %od is in
a foil container, transfer it to
a microwave-safe dish.
Foods that spoil easily should not
be allowed to sit out for more
than one horn after defiosting.
Room temperature promotes the
growth of harmfl_l bacteria.
m For more even defiosting of
larger %ods, such as roasts, use
DI?FROS'T BY 7"IMI?. Be sme large
meats are completely deflosted
before cooking.
m When deiiosted, food shotfld be
cool but softened in all areas.
If still slightly icy, retmn to the
microwave vei T briefly, or let
it stand a f>w minutes.