Baking, Broiling and Toasting
4alva ,_Hit_ m Ove,,_,
Convection baking allows you to cook foods the stone
way as a conventional oven, using a beating element
to ]'aise the temperature of the air inside the oven.
Any oven temI)emture flom 250°F to 450°F may
be set.
Broiling allows you to broil foods in the same way as
a conventional oven.
Toasting allows you to toast foods the stone way as a
conventional oven.
A fire gently circulates heaed air throughout the
oven, over and around the food. Because the heated
air is kept constantly roofing, not pemfitting a layer
of cooler air to develop around the food, some foods
cook slightly filster than in regular oven cooking.
The turntable must
(l[ll'(I)_g D€ in pla_:e wizen
usinglhe ovell.
Pul/bod o_overt*@,
cookwal*,diwdt) o_tflu
non-stick metal tray to balw.
Be[bre )ou 1)egin, make sure tim turnml)le is in
place. Use the non-stick metal tin) at all times when
CA UTION! bahi, , ,l,a,,he
oven, door a*M dishes will be veol ho#
How to
Convection Bake
For two-level bakb_g, place/ood b_ a
melal bakit_q" di,sh Or diwclly ot_ lke
non-,sli_k 'melal lraL [ lai e lhe
ah,'mint,'m bakb<q',_keel or your
/,,,/,j,<.di, t, ,,itt, o,, ol;,,I h,v
rvir_ r}_(:/:,Sland llu rack rv_lkjbod
on lke melal lray.
1. Press the CONVBARE/BROIL pad.
2. Press the dial to select B_.
3. Tm-n_the dial to set the oven
tempenmlreand press to enter
To bypass preheating:
1. When the prompt shows PRl£HI54T
THI( OU(N? mrn the dial to NO. Press
the dial or press SZ\ RT/E\U SE to
begin cooking,
2. Place the :food in the oven, tmn the dial
to set the cook free and press to enter:
The o_en star_s cooking
_v_:]_e,/ c<)(:)]<i*/g is complete, the oven
will signal and turn off:
To preheat:
I. When the prompt shows PRiFH/s'AT
THI( OU(N? turn the dial to YES. Piess
the dial or press SZ\ RT/E\U SE to
begin cooking.
The <yen starts preheating immediate]>
Do not place the food in the oven. (D)u
wiI] be prompted to enter the cook time,
after the o_en is preheated.)
2. When the oven is finished preheating,
it will signal. F)ou do not open the
door within l born, the oven wi]] tmn
off automatk:a]]}. Open the oven door
and, using caution, place the food in
the o_en.
o. Close the oven dooY Tm_ the dial
to setthe cook time and press to enter
and start cooking. When cooking is
complete, the oven will signal and
tmn oK
bu m(0 (l_(m_'_,th('ov_t_t,',m/_(<_tufe(lurit<_"
/md:(,(z6_:¢:_ /:ms.s_t<g"t/ :POII'7:R/7?_:UP
/_(_daM mrn_<t{"th(.dial :o,selectth(._.:.:
How to
Broil or
O0 ® .. @O
Put/ood directly on lh,e ah,'mi*n,'m
bafiit<t_",skeel ot_ lh,e wire ovet_ rack,
and pla_ e lh,em o_ lke **o_*-,sli_k melal
Ira), wket_ broili**g or loa,dit_g" fi*od,s,
1. Press the CONV BXKE/BROII, pad.
2. Turn the dial m BROII, or TOAST and
press to enter
To bypass preheatin_
l. When the prompt shows PICI_HI54T
THE Olf:_N?mm the dial m NO. Press
the dial or press START/PAUSE to
begin cooking.
9. Place the food in the oven, turn the dial
to set the cook time and press to enteI:
Press the dial to sta_, cooking. When
cooking is complete, the oven will signal
and turn off:
To preheat:
1. When the prompt shows [ ICF.HI_AT
THE OU:_N? turn the dial to YES. Press
the dial or press START/PAUSE to
begin cooking.
Tim oven starts preheating immediatel):
Do not place the fbod in the oven. C_%u
will be prompted to enter the cook time,
after the oven is p_eheated.)
2. When the oven is finished preheating, it
will signal. If you do not open the door
within l horn; the oven will turn off
automaticall}: Open the oven door and,
using caution, place the food in the
3. Close the oven doo_: Turn the dial to
set the cook time and press m enter
and start cooking. When cooking is
complete, the oven will signal and
turn off:
{f the _rv(._doori._@(rod duri_g"a_d_i_g,t_4{ :S/_
will alq,ear i,t &e dg/)bO'.Clo,_ethedg_r a_d pms:s
STk R T/t 'A{'SE.