Advanced Configuration and Management Guide
You cannot configure OSPF route summarization using the Web management interface.
Configure Default Route Origination
When the routing switch is an OSPF Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR), you can configure it to
automatically generate a default external route into an OSPF routing domain. This feature is called “default route
origination” or “default information origination”.
By default, HP routing switches do not advertise the default route into the OSPF domain. If you want the routing
switch to advertise the OSPF default route, you must explicitly enable default route origination.
When you enable OSPF default route origination, the routing switch advertises a type 5 default route that is
flooded throughout the AS (except stub areas and NSSAs). In addition, internal NSSA ASBRs advertise their
default routes as translatable type 7 default routes.
The routing switch advertises the default route into OSPF even if OSPF route redistribution is not enabled, and
even if the default route is learned through an IBGP neighbor.
NOTE: HP routing switches never advertise the OSPF default route, regardless of other configuration
parameters, unless you explicitly enable default route origination using the following method.
If the routing switch is an ASBR, you can use the “always” option when you enable the default route origination.
The always option causes the ASBR to create and advertise a default route if it does not already have one
If default route origination is enabled and you disable it, the default route originated by the routing switch is
flushed. Default routes generated by other OSPF routers are not affected. If you re-enable the feature, the
feature takes effect immediately and thus does not require you to reload the software.
To enable default route origination, use the following CLI method.
To enable default route origination, enter the following command:
HP9300(config-ospf-router)# default-information-originate
To disable the feature, enter the following command:
HP9300(config-ospf-router)# no default-information-originate
Syntax: [no] default-information-originate [always] [metric <value>] [metric-type <type>]
The always parameter advertises the default route regardless of whether the routing switch has a default route.
This option is disabled by default.
The metric <value> parameter specifies a metric for the default route. If this option is not used, the default metric
is used for the route.
The metric-type <type> parameter specifies the external link type associated with the default route advertised
into the OSPF routing domain. The <type> can be one of the following:
• 1 – Type 1 external route
• 2 – Type 2 external route
If you do not use this option, the default redistribution metric type is used for the route type.
NOTE: If you specify a metric and metric type, the values you specify are used only if the routing switch does not
have a default route, but still wants to advertise one because the always option is configured.
You cannot configure OSPF default route origination using the Web management interface.
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